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We have a new logo for Anglophone South!
Congratulations to Madeline Levesque, a student in Jim Boyd’s Grade 9 art class at Hampton High School.  Along with approximately 60 students from across Anglophone South School District, Madeline submitted a district logo design in October, 2012.  Out of all of the entries, Madeline’s design concept was selected by our DEC to be the genesis from which our new logo would evolve.  With the assistance of a professional graphic artist, Anglophone South School District now has a new logo.  In the three former school Districts, the color blue was prominent in the individual logos so the suggestion was made that we use shades of blue for ASD-S.
Thank you to the High School Art teachers who included logo design into their lessons and encouraged their students to submit their work.  Also, thank you to the students for willingly submitting their work for consideration.  And finally, congratulations to Madeline Levesque for her interesting design! Madeline’s design will be used on our letterhead, website, name badges, forms, banners and business cards! 

​Click format below for downloadable version of our logo: